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Unraveling the Cost and Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery with The Eye Experts


When it comes to deciding between glasses, contacts, or LASIK, it can be a tough choice. After all, the costs and conveniences differ greatly. Let’s take a quick look at each option:

Glasses: They are the most affordable choice, but if you consider the long-term costs, LASIK is similarly priced. One pair of $200 glasses a year for 20 years adds up to $4,000, which is about the same as LASIK surgery. Furthermore, glasses can be fragile and inconvenient during physical activity.

Contacts: Over the span of 20 years, contacts cost about the same as LASIK, especially if you opt for moderately priced contacts. If you spend more on your contacts, the savings from LASIK become even greater. For instance, if you spend $500 a year on contact lenses, you’ll pay for LASIK in just 10 years.

LASIK: In terms of convenience, LASIK takes the lead. Many patients no longer require glasses or contacts after the surgery. The majority of people are extremely satisfied with their LASIK results and wish they had undergone the surgery sooner. While the cost of LASIK surgery requires an initial investment, financing and payment options are often available.

LASIK may involve an upfront cost, but that doesn’t necessarily make it more expensive in the long run compared to glasses or contacts. Ultimately, choose your vision correction option based on personal preference and convenience rather than solely focusing on cost.

People choose to get laser eye surgery for various reasons. One of the top motives is convenience. Many individuals find it tiresome to deal with glasses or contacts hindering their active lifestyle. The value of improving one’s quality of life outweighs the initial financial cost comparison of using eyeglasses or contact lenses. Waking up and going through the day without the hassle of shifting or fogging glasses, or irritating contact lenses, can truly be a game-changer.

For most people, using contact lenses on a daily basis is a struggle. Glasses, on the other hand, come with their own set of challenges – they may get misplaced, stolen, or broken at any given time.

Moreover, glasses may hinder one’s appearance. While some people do adore the look of glasses, it can be difficult to find the perfect frame that complements their face shape or enhances their overall appearance. With laser eye surgery, there is no need to compromise on personal style or appearance by relying on glasses.

Let’s not forget the prescription and maintenance costs associated with eyewear. Each year that vision is not treated with laser eye surgery, one’s prescription slowly but surely changes. The expenses of purchasing new glasses and contacts can add up over time, making them a burden for many individuals.

If you are interested in LASIK eye surgery but concerned with LASIK surgery cost, laser eye surgery offers an appealing solution for those seeking convenience, freedom from the daily struggle of glasses and contacts, improved appearance, and reduced long-term costs.  LASIK surgery eliminates nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, three of the primary reasons people need glasses or contact lenses in the first place. If you want to correct your vision and enjoy a better quality of life, LASIK is the best way to go.

10 Reasons People Get LASIK Eye Surgery – build this section using a drop bar for each topic

Active Lifestyles

Contact sports, hunting, and swimming are a hassle with glasses, and contact lenses can cause irritation or get dislodged during physical activity. Many people who like going to the gym, running, swimming, or doing yoga find dealing with glasses very inconvenient.  Being in the outdoors means struggling with fog, rain, and snow.  LASIK Eye Surgery gives you the freedom of wearing sunglasses without costly prescriptions and not having to choose between clear vision and sun protection.

Greater Convenience

For some, the freedom from the constant maintenance required with glasses and contact lenses is reason enough. Avoiding the daily chore of putting in contact lenses or keeping glasses clean, fog-free, and dry is a significant benefit.

Boost in Confidence

Surprisingly, laser eye surgery can provide a significant confidence boost for many individuals. Not having to wear glasses can enhance their appearance and improve their self-esteem. While there’s no reason to be ashamed of wearing glasses, some people cite cosmetic reasons as the main motivation for wanting laser eye surgery.

Career Advancement

Certain professions, such as chefs, military personnel, police officers, or professional athletes, make wearing corrective glasses or contact lenses impractical. LASIK eye surgery can make sense for these individuals by expanding their career prospects or improving their performance.

Personal Choice

A considerable number of people under 30 mention that they can afford LASIK eye surgery and simply want the procedure done, without any specific vision issues. They value having the latest technological enhancement available.

Enhanced Nighttime Driving

Driving, especially at night and in rainy conditions, can be difficult when any additional blurriness in vision becomes concerning.

Improved Vision

Some patients were unsatisfied with their vision using glasses or contacts and seek to achieve better eyesight. Achieving this outcome is not always possible and depends on various factors. A suitability examination will establish the boundaries of what can be accomplished, as LASIK eye surgery sometimes involves a trade-off between long and short-distance vision.

Troubles with Contact Lenses

After a period of time, some patients start experiencing pain, stinging, and discomfort while wearing contact lenses. As a result, they have to resort to wearing glasses for several days to give their eyes a much-needed break.

Save money in the long term.

Investing in laser eye surgery is more cost effective over a long-term period (Up to ten years) than paying for the ongoing expense of replacing and maintaining glasses and/or contact lenses. This is especially true for people who need visual aids from a younger age.

Lifestyle reasons

We lump a number of different answers into what we have called lifestyle reasons. This includes when someone becomes a parent and finds that fumbling around to find glasses or insert contacts in the middle of the night becomes a chore. Another reason is when people find that they doze off in the evening while wearing contact lenses or glasses!

Does Insurance Cover LASIK?

Since there are other options to address vision like glasses and contacts, most insurance companies consider LASIK surgery an elective procedure and will not cover it.

In some rare instances, insurance companies form partnerships with select LASIK providers and offer discounts of 15% to 30% on surgeries. While your insurance plan doesn’t cover the surgery, your membership ensures the discount.


Vision Services Plan (VSP) is one of the largest vision benefits companies in the United States. If you have this type of insurance, you’re likely eligible for discounted LASIK surgery with companies that have partnered with VSP. You could save money while working with a reputable company that can improve your vision.

If you’re part of a VSP plan, check the VSP members page to find out more about discounts available to you through VSP and The Eye Experts.


When considering how to pay for LASIK, two options worth considering are health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs).

These are two tax-advantaged accounts that can effectively be used to pay for a variety of health costs (and other costs, in the case of FSAs) before your income is taxed. This can sometimes result in thousands of dollars in savings per year, depending on your tax bracket and expenses.


An HSA is designed to pay for health costs, and it is available to people with a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). HDHPs are insurance plans that are usually low in monthly cost but have the disadvantage of a high deductible, meaning they can be expensive for people who experience unexpected health complications.

HSAs allow you to contribute to an account that can be used to pay for various health expenses (including LASIK), with the money rolling over each year. Over time, this can allow you to have substantial savings built up, tax-free, which can make paying for health expenses easier as you get older or start a family.


An FSA is a type of account almost anyone can open regardless of your insurance plan’s specifics. It shares similarities to an HSA, in which the money put into the account is untaxed and can help pay for a variety of medical expenses.

Only some of the money in your account can roll over each year. You can plan around this fact and buy essentials you expect your household will need if you have significant funds remaining as the year’s end approaches.

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